Famous People From Fort Collin

Famous People From Fort Collin

famous people from fort collins

There are quite a few famous people from Fort Collin that you might have heard of. If you were raised in Texas or if you live there now, you might have been in awe of some of the names that are associated with this community. Some people grew up here and have grown to be famous for something they did or are famous for. One name that never fails to make the list is that of former First Lady Hillary Clinton. She is not just known by the media for her current role as a senator from New York, but also has a past that many people are interested in.

As a child, Hillary Clinton was known as Arkansas’ first lady. Her husband, former president Bill Clinton, served as governor of the state from 1973 until Bates College graduation in 1969. The younger generation will remember her as the little girl in the Arkansas school plays that made the family famous. Hillary was the one that would cry for her mother when she went to school.

Bill Clinton is today a much sought after man in the media for his personal and political aspirations. Many are looking at his possible presidential ambitions and see him as a formidable candidate against Obama in the 2021 election. The press has made quite a name for itself of putting famous people in a spotlight for all the wrong reasons and it is quite an interesting topic.

The most famous people from Fort Collins who do not seem to want to fade into obscurity are the former First Ladies. They are also the most famous people in Texas from a social perspective as well. Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton are two of the most famous people from Texas and it is quite interesting to see how their lives and careers play out today.

In the case of Hillary Clinton, her entry into the Arkansas State Department was the right thing to do for her political career. She is a very accomplished woman with an impressive political record. She has served as the Senator of New York and as a Secretary of State. It is said that if Hillary Clinton is not made by the President of the United States, she would certainly be the most popular first lady in America. It would be difficult for anyone else to replace her in public’s eyes.

George W. Bush is another famous Texan whose career is as colorful as his wife’s. He served as Vice President to both Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush and is one of the more famous Texan family members today. As one of the leaders of the Free World, many look at his political career with awe. One can only imagine what his life was like during the times when his wife was pregnant with their second child, but his service to his country and his family are still something that is not to be taken lightly.


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